Rome known in Italian and Latin as Roma, is the capital city of Italy.
Fictional History[]
During the 1st century AD, Quintus Aurelius became a captain in the Roman army, quickly becoming a distinguished soldier and later a prolific writer, and later became an instructor to Emperor Domitian in military strategies, allowing him to rise to prominence in Rome's Senate.
Unbeknownst to Quintus, his skills in combat and strategy got him noticed by the alien race known as Guides as one of Earth's most prominent warriors of the time, and thus chose him to be humankind's first contestant in the Presidian. Without warning, Quintus was teleported from Rome to the labyrinth of the Fifth Presidian on another world.
Hover Car Racer[]
Some time in the years after hover cars and the accompanying racing sport were established, the Grand Slam Race called the Italian Run was organised, which would have its racers begin the nation-wide race from the Roman Colosseum. For several years, the Italian Run was successful in drawing race fans to Rome, and by extension Venice, with the tourism providing a boost to the local economy.
A few days prior to his participation in the Italian Run, Jason Chaser was challenged to a circuit match by Fabian, which took place in the new Circus Maximus built just outside of Rome. However, Jason had Ariel Piper surreptitiously take his place in the match so that he could practice for the pole positioning for the Italian Run instead.
Jack West Jr Series[]
Seven Ancient Wonders[]
Centuries after the Cult of Amun Ra became the Catholic Church, they constructed a basilica in Rome in honour of Saint Peter. For the interior, they chose to replicate the design that their organisation's progenitors had seen used in the tomb of Alexander the Great. Meanwhile, with the Temple of Artemis having long-since fallen and its Piece from the Golden Capstone needing a new hiding place, the Piece was moved by the former Cult of Amun Ra to St. Peter's Basilica.
When the Coalition of Minnows team had Lily translate the Callimachus text, it initially appeared to most of them that the clue offered nothing regarding the location of the Artemis Piece. However, Max Epper was aware of what had become of the Cult of Amun Ra, and so deduced that the Piece was in Rome at St. Peter's.
Because of his awareness of the Piece, Father Francisco del Piero had it monitored closely, knowing that Epper would at some stage try to get a glimpse of the inscription on its side. Indeed, Epper did soon appear at St Peter's with Zoe Kissane and Fuzzy, and since they knew they could not possibly steal it, Epper instead approached the alter holding the Piece, memorising the inscription before a guard requested he move along.
Del Piero, having already instructed his men to let Epper examine it unhindered, had his people wait until Epper had sent a message to the rest of his team to confirm he had succeeded in his mission before having them capture Epper and his people outside of the Leonardo Di vinci International Airport. Soon they were flown out of Rome and on to Frankfurt to meet with del Piero, who also had the basilica Piece brought to him.
The Three Secret Cities[]
During his years as the King of Underworld, Anthony "Hades" DeSaxe discreetly purchased a residence in Rome that would serve as a safehouse in the event he would need one.
As Jack West Jr and his team rescued Hades from the Royal Prison of Erebus and Alby Calvin from the Knights of the Golden Eight, the two were suggested to take some time to recover, so Hades brought Alby and Zoe to his safehouse in Rome while the other undertook the Trial of the Cities.
While at the safehouse, Alby and Zoe looked through some of the documents they had taken from the Knights while Hades also did research to help Jack locate the tomb of Poseidon.
The Two Lost Mountains[]
In 37 AD, the Roman Emperor Caligula ordered that a "bronze" globe containing the locations of the five iron mountains and the three secret cities, along with the obelisk it was mounted on be relocated from the Siwa Oasis to Rome. The horrified priests of the Cult of Amon-Ra began defacing the globe it to keep its knowledge from the mad emperor, but were only able to file off the locations of two of the iron mountains before they were caught. Soon the globe and its obelisk were transported to Rome and erected in St. Peter's square. The globe would later be removed from the obelisk and replaced with a brass forgery by the Catholic Church, who kept it within the Vatican Secret Archives.
After Jack's team reconvened following the trial, they decided that Hades's Roman safehouse was too small for them to operate out of, and so relocated to the former king's estate in Alsace-Lorraine.
After he had retrieved the Siren Bells from Moscow, Sphinx went to meet with the Pope with Cardinal Ricardo Mendoza in Rome. Upon their landing at St Peter's Square, the Pope genuflected before Sphinx and granted him the globe containing the locations of the iron mountains, and documents regarding the location of the Orphean bell. Despite the Pope's sycophancy, Sphinx and Mendoza donned protective earphones before having a Siren bell rung in the middle of the city, sending everyone within its radius into a sleep-like coma. As numerous planes and other vehicles suddenly crashed out of control, Sphinx killed the unconscious Pope before declaring Mendoza the Pope for his new world order.
As Sphinx prepared to head into the Supreme Labyrinth, he had his forces ring the Siren bells over many of the world's major cities, with Sphinx intending to wake the people in Rome and the other cities as his slaves once had had prevented the Omega Event. The incident in Rome and the other sleep-struck cities caused the world to cower in fear of what would happen next.
The One Impossible Labyrinth[]
After the Omega Event was averted and Sphinx and his forces defeated, Jack and his team proceeded to use the Orphean bellto awaken the sleep-struck citizens in the cities affected by the Siren bells, including Rome.
The Tournament[]
The Secret Runners of New York=[]
In the months before a cosmic gamma cloud was due to pass through the Earth, social unrest spread as some parts of humanity came to believe that it was the end of the world. In Tome, huge prayer events took place as people sought solace or salvation.
Ultimately, when the gamma cloud arrived and began enveloping the Earth, Rome - like all major cities around the globe - were affected; as the electrical signals in the brains of almost every living thing were disrupted, people in Paris died instantly, and a tiny fraction of people who survived due to being unaffected by the cloud were left to roam the city.
Notable Locations[]
St. Peter's Basilica[]
St. Peter's Square[]
Vatican Secret Archives[]
Italian Run Hover Car Race[]
A professional-league hover car race that takes place throughout Italy. The Italian Run is the third of the Grand Slam Races. The race begins in Rome's Colosseum, with racers being sent out onto the track in the pole positioning order they earned earlier in the week, before racing out of the city and through the rest of Italy.
Fabian's Challenge[]
- It is the third most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits.
- While Roman mythology dates the founding of Rome at around 753 BC, the site has been inhabited for much longer, making it one of the oldest continuously occupied cities in Europe.