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Matthew Reilly Wiki

Peregrine Falcons are a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae.

Fictional History[]

Jack West Jr Series[]

A Peregrine Falcon named Horus once belonged to Colonel Marshall Judah. When trying to make a point to his troops, Judah would beat her if she didn't do what she was trained properly. Jack West Jr didn't like Judah's treatment of her, so when he left Coronado he stole Horus from Judah's office. Following this, he treated the falcon with loving kindness, which Horus reciprocated by being completely obedient and protective of Jack.


The peregrine falcon has a wingspan from 74 to 120 cm. They live mostly along mountain ranges, river valleys, coastlines, and increasingly in cities. The peregrine falcon reaches faster speeds than any other animal on the planet, reaching diving speeds of over 320 km/h (200 mph).


  • Considering the longest known lifespan of a peregrine falcon in captivity is 25 years, and noting that Horus has been with Jack since 1990 when he rescued her from Judah, (and even then keeping in mind that she must have been at least a year or two old in 1990) Horus has surpassed this expected lifespan.