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Matthew Reilly Wiki
Matthew Reilly Wiki

Norma "Ooma" Fischer is a psychologically unstable woman living in Germany, and the twin sister of Hanna Fischer.


Early History[]


Mr Einstein's Secretary[]





  • Bilingualism: Having been born to a German father and American mother, Ooma likely grew up learning both German and English. As she lived in Germany her whole life, she primarily read and spoke using the former, and presumably only used English for a short time during her youth.
  • Gifted Intellect: In spite of her psychological problems, even as a child, Ooma has displayed a high intellect. In addition to learning to read a year before Hanna, Ooma was naturally gifted at math, and able to perfectly replicate musical melodies after hearing them only once. As she spent many years inside asylums and prisons, Ooma didn't receive a proper education,
  • Expert Manipulator: Ooma is a highly-talented liar and manipulator, as she was able to spent significant periods of time pretending to be her twin sister. Ooma was able to dupe Lukas Hofstedter - as well as his family and friends - for years into thinking she was Hanna, using her sister's diary to gather private details shared between the two as teenagers, while also intercepting Hanna's letters to Lukas from New York to conceal the truth. Towards the end of the War, Ooma was once again able to assume her twin's place, this time taking her position as secretary to Martin Bormann; aiding her convincing deception was the chaos in the Nazi office in its final months, and Bormann's previous inattention to Hanna's personality. Upon discovering Bormann's plans to flee, Ooma was able to seduce him to convince him to take her with him once he decided to leave.




Lukas Hofstedter[]


Martin Bormann[]



  • Ooma is the second female main antagonist to appear in any of Reilly's novels.
  • It is unknown if Ooma - like Hanna - has an American passport and citizenship due to being born to an American mother.