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The Neetha Village is a village containing the long-lost Neetha tribe.


Early History[]

At a currently unknown point in Earth's history, the Super-Ancient Beings discovered the Dark Sun and set about constructing a machine that would repel it before it came too close to the planet. Among the tools they created was the Seeing Stone, which was to be used to view the Dark Sun via a tubeless telescope mechanism that pierced the spectrum of light that it existed on. They apparently built the telescope within one of their shrines or villages, set between three extinct volcanoes within the continent that would later become known as Africa.

At some stage after the Super-Ancients prevented the Dark Star from approaching in their time, they vanished from the Earth, leaving the village, with its maze and tubeless telescope, behind. At some point after human-kind evolved, the Neetha tribe came across the shrine, which they began using as their own home. During their time living within the village, the Neethans discovered the Seeing Stone, the existence of the Dark Star and learned the written and spoken language of Thoth. The Neethan Warlocks learned the solution to the maze in their settlement, and so were put in charge of their treasures and sacred knowledge, while the tribe's warriors began using hyenas as guard dogs for the village.

To keep the outside world from being able to find them so easily, the Neethans used ropes to force the trees growing on the slopes of the volcanoes around their villahe to grow so that their foilage covered the entirety of their realm.

The Six Sacred Stones[]









Fighting Platform[]



