Matthew Reilly Wiki
Matthew Reilly Wiki

Li is a young engineer who works at the Great Dragon Zoo of China.


The Great Zoo of China[]

Li was first seen when CJ Cameron and the rest of the touring group first entered the Zoo. Due to their elevated status in the Zoo, every worker was cautious and nervous around them. Li was one of the nervous workers, and while fixing an electrical fault, he dropped his tools, making a loud noise.

He was scolded in Mandarin by one of his supervisors, which CJ could understand, and she told the aggressor that no-one would touch Li or she would have a word with the head of the Zoo. This deterred the aggressor from going after Li from that point on.


Li is seen as a nervous but determined individual, choosing to accompany CJ Cameron in her attack on the Birthing Center rather than leaving everything to her.




- Electrical Tools


