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Matthew Reilly Wiki

Brother Eduardo is a contestant in the Invitation Chess Championship representing the city of Syracuse.


The Tournament[]

In 1546, the leadership of the Sicilian city of Syracuse received a letter from Sultan Suleiman of the Ottoman Empire to announce that he was going to be holding a chess tournament, and requested that they send their best player to Constantinople to determine the champion of the known world. Brother Eduardo's chess skills were soon determined to be the best in Syracuse, and so he was sent off with a delegation to Constantinople.

Eduardo and his delegation were present during the opening banquet, though Bess didn't make any note about him.

At the drawing for the tournament the following day, Eduardo's name was selected for the fourth matchup, in which he would be facing against Brother Raul of Seville.

Eduardo soon had his match against Raul, however he lost the majority of the seven matches against his opponent, and was thus eliminated from the Championship.


  • Expert Chess Player: Eduardo is a highly-skilled chess player, one whose skills were considered the best in Syracuse. This got him chosen to represent his homeland at the Invitational Chess Championship, though he was beaten in the first round by Brother Raul.


