Curtis is a member of the President's secret service detail.
Area 7[]
At some point before 2001, Curtis joined the United States Secret Service, ending up on the Presidential Detail.
Curtis was later a part of the detail as the President traveled to Utah to inspect top-secret projects at a pair of Air Force bases.
After the inspection of Area 8, Curtis was with the President on Marine One as they used the Marine Helicopter Squadron to continue their journey to Area 7. He was present as he toured Area 7.
After Colonel Jerome Harper left the President and his detail alone in the Level 3 common room, they were confronted by a broadcast featuring the rogue Air Force Lieutenant-General Caesar, who announced he was launching a coup d'état against the President and America's governing system. Curtis listened as Caesar explained that the President had a kinetically-powered transmitter on his heart, and so if the President died, a series of plasma warheads at several cities around the country would detonate.
When Kurt Logan's 7th Squadron unit appeared and attacked, Curtis and the rest of the protective detail immediately moved to get the President to Area 7's alternate exit. When they reached the Level 6 door, however, Francis Cutler was immediately mowed down by 7th Squadron's Delta unit, and so Curtis followed Janson's lead as they attempted to flee through the Level 5 containment floor, where he was startled by a Kodiak bear when he took a close look at its cage.
After emerging in the prisoner cell block, they were joined by a small group of Marines, and at Janson's request, Curtis freed the scientist Herbert Franklin before the group moved on to the Level 4 lab. Unfortunately, the group had unwittingly wandered into an ambush Alpha unit had prepared, and Curtis was cut down by the enemy fire.
- Expert Combatant: As a member of the United States Secret Service, Curtis has been trained in several forms of hand-to-hand combat.
- Expert Marksman: As a member of the U.S. Secret Service, Curtis is an accurate marksman and capable of using a variety of different firearms.
- Uzi Sub-Machine-gun: During the escape from the 7th Squadron, Curtis apparently carried a Uzi.
- SIG-Sauer: During the escape from the 7th Squadron, Curtis apparently carried a SIG-Sauer.
Other Equipment[]
- Lock-Picker: During the escape through level 5, Curtis used a high-tech lock picking device to open doorways and a prisoner cell.