Black Dragon is a Major in the Chinese military.
The Six Sacred Stones[]
Through unknown circumstances, the soldier known by the call-sign Black Dragon joined the People's Liberation Army, where he eventually earned his call-sign.
After the American Colonel known as Wolf - along with the rogue Commander-in-Chief's In Extremis Force - made a deal with Colonel Mao Gongli and the Chinese to share the reward granted by the second of the Pillars of the Machine, Black Dragon was tasked by Mao tin preparing an invasion force to seize the Firestone from Wolf's son, Jack West Jr. With Wolf's influence helping to secure their place, the Chinese were allowed participation in the Australian-American Talisman Sabre military exercises, with Black Dragon planning to have their units drop onto Jack's farm.
Soon after Mao Gongli captured Max Epper, Black Dragon led the assault - disguised as a wrongly-executed drop - on Jack's farm, planning to capture Jack and take the Firestone. Black Dragon directed his forces via radio as they pursued Jack's escape vehicles, however the Australian was able to evade Black Dragon's men thanks to several traps he had set around the farmland.
Following Jack's escape, Black Dragon was met by Wolf, Rapier, and Switchblade at the farmhouse. Wolf told Black Dragon to contact Mao about the failure of the mission and to to proceed with Epper's interrogation. Once he did so, Wolf ordered Black Dragon to shoot himself in the head for failing the objective. When the shocked Black Dragon protested, Wolf had Rapier shoot the Chinese Major, who did so without hesitation.
- Expert Combatant: As a member of the People's Liberation Army, Black Dragon has been trained in several forms of hand-to-hand combat.
- Expert Marksman: As a member of the Chinese military, Black Dragon is an accurate marksman and capable of using a variety of different firearms.
- Expert Tactician: As a high-ranking member of the People's Liberation Army, Black Dragon is a skilled strategist and leader, able to formulate battle strategies to fit the changing needs of the situation.
- Bilingualism: In addition to his native Mandarin, Black Dragon is also fluent in English.
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